Maria Blombärg

Maria Blombärg



- Advertising, Stockholm
- Art & Design, Washington State University, USA
- YKS Art Education, Örebro
- HDK School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg

- Gothenburg City’s Major Cultural Scholarship, 1981
- Malmö Industrial Scholarship, 1989
- Kristianstad Cultural Scholarship, 1998
- Cultural Award from Lions Club Åhus, 2015

- KRO (Artists’ National Organization)
- ÖSKG (Östra Skånes Konstnärsgille)
- KC Syd (Artists' Cooperative South)
- KEU Project
- Nordic Textile Art
- KFA (Swedish Artists' Association)

**Solo Exhibitions:**

- Frölunda Art Hall, 1980
- Blå Stallet, Gothenburg, 1980
- Arken, Gothenburg, 1981
- Åhus Gästgiveri, 1982
- Bäckaskog Castle, 1982
- Art Café, Simrishamn, 1985
- Galleri Barbro, Stockholm, 1986-1987
- Galleri Åklund, Åhus, 1986
- Blå Station, Åhus, 1988
- Eslöv Town Hall, 1989
- Galleri Diana, Stockholm, 1989
- Åhus Museum, 1990
- Galleri Nykvarn, Enköping, 1991-1994
- Malmö Industrial Association, 1991
- Galleri Max, Stockholm, 1992
- Galleri Kronan, Vellinge, 1993-1994
- Galleri Stora Levene, 1995
- Galleriet Källan, Falsterbo, 2000
- Art Gallery Vadstena, 2007
- Åhus Church, 2008
- Aoseum Åhus, 2016

- Galleri Wendekstein, Gammertingen, 2000
- Salach Town Hall, Stuttgart, 2005
- Gallerie Kleiner, Prinz, 1996
- Baden-Baden, 1997

- EU Parliament, Strasbourg, 1998

- Swedish Institute, Brussels, 1998

**Group Exhibitions:**

- ÖSKG, 1985-2019
- KC Syd, Kristianstad Museum, 1983
- Konstfrämjandet (Swedish Art Promotion), 1985
- Galleri Härja, Falköping, 1986
- Lilla Galleriet, Eslöv, 1988-1995
- Åhus Konstform, Åhus Museum, 1989
- Konstform, Åhus Museum, 1985-1995
- Hörby Art Association, 2005
- Art Fair Limnhamn, 2013-2014
- Rånäs Castle, 2014
- Gyllengården, 2015
- Galleri Soläng, 2015

- Springe, 1992
- Galleri Wendelstein, Gammertingen, 1993
- Textile Museum, Düsseldorf, 1997
- Galleri Prora, 1998
- Anklang Cultural Center, 1999

- Art 95, New York, 1995
- The Gallery By The River, Washington DC, 2011

**Art Halls:**
- Boden Art Hall, 1990
- Barbacka Art Hall, Kristianstad, 1992
- Alvesta Art Hall, 1994
- Hässleholm Art Hall, 2009
- Sjöbo Art Hall, 2016

**Public Works:**
- National Public Art Council, Stockholm
- Norrbotten County Council
- Västmanland County Council
- Falkenberg Municipality
- Kristianstad Municipality
- Svedala Municipality
- Bromölla Municipality
- Vellinge Municipality

**Books and Magazines:**
- Impressions in Österlen, Sweden
- Swedish Artists
- The Blue Line
- An Eel-Woman’s Anecdotes
- International Textile Art Nos. 2 and 3, published in 42 countries

**Private and Public Works:**
- Apoteket (Swedish Pharmacy), Åhus, Stockholm, and Kristianstad
- The Absolut Company, Åhus
- Knauf Danogips, Åhus
- Gunlöf's Church
- Malmberg, Åhus
- Parish Hall, Åhus
- Ideon, Lund
- Zurich Insurance Company, Stockholm
- SEB Bank, Stockholm, Malmö, Landskrona, and Kristianstad
- Savings Bank 1826, Åhus and Kristianstad
- University of Önnestad
- University of Furuboda
- Health Center, Åhus
- Kristianstad Airport
- Tenants' Association, Gothenburg
- Dr. Jerndahl’s Glaucoma Center, Gothenburg
- Trade Union for Retail, Malmö
- Painters’ Union, Gothenburg
- Malmsten, Åhus
- Nolato, Kristianstad

Advertising Stockholm Sweden
Art and Design Waschington University USA
Handicraft art YKS Orebro Sweden
Art and Industriel design school Goutenburg Sweden

Medlem av:
KRO, KC syd, OSKG, KEU-Projekt

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