Normalizing the Normal

Utställningen är avslutad! 27 juli 2024 - 8 augusti 2024

Normalizing the Normal

 26 juli 2024

Normalizing the Normal / From acceptance to Celebration by Paula Elion and Fran Speicher:

Vänster: Fran Speicher, On Earth as in Heaven.  Höger: Fran Speicher, Blue Angel

An exhibition that aims to raise awareness about the challenges and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ youth during adolescence, and how art can serve as a powerful tool to promote inclusion and acceptance in society.

We seek to foster diversity, respect, and equal rights for all, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
We want to highlight the importance of inclusion and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

Vänster: Paula Elion, Every Mother Needs a Girl?  Höger: Paula Elion, Embrace Me. 

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